Kamala Harris Lied About Project 2025

This huge lie is amazing! Kamala uses her favorite tactic, scaring liberals, once again, by lying about Project 2025. She repeatedly claims that it has something to do with Donald Trump and it has something to do with the Republican Party.


Not only do most Republicans have no knowledge of it, but Trump has disavowed it several times.

Project 2025 is the brainchild wishlist of the Libertarian (not Republican), Heritage Foundation, which is merely a Think Tank for Libertarians – not Republicans.

How can people be so stupid to believe this nonsense without doing one bit of research? That is what she is counting on, to get elected.

By the way, no one cares about Project 2025 other than the Heritage Foundation. Well, Kamala Harris cares about it too. She is counting on her voter’s stupidity to bring her over the finish line.